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the holiday!
Yule - December 19-22
Y U L E, also known as: Yuletide, Alban, Arthan. Yule is the time of greatest darkness and the longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice has been associated with the birth of a "Divine King" long before the rise of Christianity. Since the Sun is considered to represent the Male Divinity in many Pagan Traditions, this time is celebrated as the "return of the Sun God" where He is reborn of the Goddess.
Imbolc - February 1st or 2nd
I M B O L C also known as: Candlemas, Imbolg, Imbolgc brigantia, Lupercus, Disting IMBOLC: The earliest whisperings of Springtide are heard now as the Goddess nutures Her Young Son. As a time of the year associated with beginning growth, Imbolc is an initiatory period for many. Here we plant the "seeds" of our hopes and dreams for the coming summer months.
Ostara - March 19-21st
O S T A R A Also known as: Spring Equinox, Ostara, Alban Eiler, Esther, Eostre, Ostarun, ostartag', Eastre, Eoastrae, Oestre. The first true day of Springtide. The days and nights are now equal in length as the Young God continues to mature and grow. We begin to see shoots of new growth and swelling buds on the trees. Energy is building as the days become warmer with promise.
Beltane April 30 - May 1
B E L T A N E/Beltaine also known as: Mayday, Walbura, Galan Mai, Shenn da Boaldyn Bealtinne, Beltine, Beltain, Beal-tine, Beltan, Bel-tien, Beltein, Bealtuinn and Bealtaine. The Land represented by the Goddess is now ripe and fertile and the Young God expresses His Love for Her. This is a time of joyous reveling as the first flowers of Summer are gathered in Their Honor.
Music: "Tandern", arranger
Brian Hicks
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